School Uniform Expectations


Our school uniform aims to:

Promote expectations of high standards for work, behaviour and appearance

Encourage pride in the school, and a sense of belonging to the school community

Promote the work ethos of school, by wearing suitable clothing

Raise awareness in the community by reflecting a corporate school identity.


All pupils in Nursery and the rest of the school are expected to wear the school uniform every day. All uniform clothing should be clearly marked with the child’s name.

The school uniform consists of the following clothing:

Royal blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan, with or without the school logo

White polo shirt or white shirt/blouse

Grey or black trousers, skirt or pinafore dress

Blue or yellow checked dresses can be worn in the summer

Sensible plain black flat heeled shoes or plain black trainers for outdoor wear


The School PE kit consists of the following clothing:

Plain royal blue shorts

Plain black tracksuit bottoms or leggings and a plain black hoodie

White T-shirt, with or without the school logo

White socks


We request that jewellery is not worn to school for safety reasons, with the exception of small stud earrings and sensible time telling watches. We politely request that 'toy type' watches are saved for use at home. Smart watches are not permitted in school.

Following Health & Safety guidance, our school requires all earrings to be removed for PE sessions. If this is not possible, due to ears being pierced in the last 6 weeks, earrings can be taped up as a temporary measure to enable the child to continue with their PE lessons. Tape will be provided for all children who need it and all children will be required to cover them before accessing their PE session.
We would greatly appreciate parents' support in ensuring (1) ears are pierced at the start of the summer holidays and (2) children who are too young to remove their own earrings are not sent to school in them on PE days, to avoid such issues arising during term time.

It is always helpful if the children have a book bag. These can be purchased from the school office for £2.50. Ideally these need to be reasonably sized otherwise they are difficult to store in classrooms and cloakrooms.


Reasonably priced uniform can be purchased in most supermarkets. Iron-on logos are available from the school office.

Branded uniform can be bought from The Uniform Centre in Morley -