Our Aims:
Assessment in the Early Years Foundation Stage
Assessment in Early Years in based on adults' knowledge of children from observing and working with them in a variety of contexts.
During a child's time in the Foundation Stage, staff use their professional judgement to assess how children are working across the EYFS 17 areas of learning. Adults in contact with the child on a daily basis observe their development and progress and do this mostly in areas of provision.
Observations are take place in a range of contexts such as:
We record observations by:
Tapestry is an online programme to which parents and carers have access. Parents also receive information about their child's progress at parents evenings and in a written report at the end of the year.
Assessment in Key Stage One and Key Stage Two
We make assessment judgements for reading by collecting evidence during reading sessions, English lessons and phonics sessions. In Key Stage 1 we also use Little Wandle phonic screens to support evidence. From Y1 onwards, the children complete termly reading assessments.
We make assessment judgements for Writing based on ongoing work in children's books. A range of genre are assessed over the year. These assessments generate targets which teachers use to inform future teaching.
Maths assessment judgements are made using a combination of work in books and children's performance on termly tests. The tests generate targets which teachers use to inform future teaching.
Science assessments are completed at the end of each term. Children are assessed against agreed criteria which generates targets to inform future teaching.
Pupil Progress Meetings:
Class teachers regularly meet with a member of the Leadership Team to discuss pupil progress and attainment. The main focus is looking at the pupil’s data and analysing strengths and areas for development. During the meeting, a cohort action plan is formulated with the class teacher and their additional adults. Targets are set and actions are identified to help meet the target. These targets are then reviewed at the next Pupil Progress Meeting.
Children with Special Educational Needs
Children who are on the school’s register of Special Educational Needs may be assessed against a programme of study for a different year group. For example, a child in Year 5 may be assessed against Year 3 objectives. This will be decided by the class teacher in consultation with the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo). Some of these children will be assessed against smaller steps than other children using a system called Bsquared. This enables teachers to track their progress more sharply and set more achievable targets for the children.
What formal tests will my child take?
Your child will take certain tests specified by the Government. These are:
Year 1 – Phonics check
Year 2 –SATs tests in Reading and Maths.
Year 4 - Multiplication tables check
Year 6 – SATs tests in Reading, Maths and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.
If your child is in any of the above year groups you will be given more information about these tests during the year.
Your child will also take certain school-based tests during the year to help us to track their progress against the curriculum.
Where can I find out more?
If you have any specific questions relating to your child’s progress or attainment, the first point of contact should always be their class teacher. For more detail about our assessment procedures, please access the Assessment Policies in the Policies section of the website.
Our Aims:
Assessment in the Early Years Foundation Stage
Assessment in Early Years in based on adults' knowledge of children from observing and working with them in a variety of contexts.
During a child's time in the Foundation Stage, staff use their professional judgement to assess how children are working across the EYFS 17 areas of learning. Adults in contact with the child on a daily basis observe their development and progress and do this mostly in areas of provision.
Observations are take place in a range of contexts such as:
We record observations by:
Tapestry is an online programme to which parents and carers have access. Parents also receive information about their child's progress at parents evenings and in a written report at the end of the year.
Assessment in Key Stage One and Key Stage Two
We make assessment judgements for reading by collecting evidence during reading sessions, English lessons and phonics sessions. In Key Stage 1 we also use Little Wandle phonic screens to support evidence. From Y1 onwards, the children complete termly reading assessments.
We make assessment judgements for Writing based on ongoing work in children's books. A range of genre are assessed over the year. These assessments generate targets which teachers use to inform future teaching.
Maths assessment judgements are made using a combination of work in books and children's performance on termly tests. The tests generate targets which teachers use to inform future teaching.
Science assessments are completed at the end of each term. Children are assessed against agreed criteria which generates targets to inform future teaching.
Pupil Progress Meetings:
Class teachers regularly meet with a member of the Leadership Team to discuss pupil progress and attainment. The main focus is looking at the pupil’s data and analysing strengths and areas for development. During the meeting, a cohort action plan is formulated with the class teacher and their additional adults. Targets are set and actions are identified to help meet the target. These targets are then reviewed at the next Pupil Progress Meeting.
Children with Special Educational Needs
Children who are on the school’s register of Special Educational Needs may be assessed against a programme of study for a different year group. For example, a child in Year 5 may be assessed against Year 3 objectives. This will be decided by the class teacher in consultation with the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo). Some of these children will be assessed against smaller steps than other children using a system called Bsquared. This enables teachers to track their progress more sharply and set more achievable targets for the children.
What formal tests will my child take?
Your child will take certain tests specified by the Government. These are:
Year 1 – Phonics check
Year 2 –SATs tests in Reading and Maths.
Year 4 - Multiplication tables check
Year 6 – SATs tests in Reading, Maths and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.
If your child is in any of the above year groups you will be given more information about these tests during the year.
Your child will also take certain school-based tests during the year to help us to track their progress against the curriculum.
Where can I find out more?
If you have any specific questions relating to your child’s progress or attainment, the first point of contact should always be their class teacher. For more detail about our assessment procedures, please access the Assessment Policies in the Policies section of the website.