Asquith Primary School- Music Overview
Growing to succeed - Music The Asquith Way
'Music begins where the possibilities of language end.'
Jean Sibelius, Composer and Violinist
Our music curriculum at Asquith Primary School is enquiry based, inclusive and meets the needs of all learners. We build strong foundations in our EYFS, support and challenge pupils on their journey through our school, ultimately ensuring that they are equipped with the skills and knowledge that they will need to succeed in the future and be citizens of tomorrow’s world.
At Asquith Primary we want to inspire the minds of tomorrow to be creative musicians. We encourage our children to be appreciators of music from different eras and diverse cultures. We encourage children to make musical choices based upon their feelings, understanding, and experiences. It is our vision that every child adopts an understanding and love of music which they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.
Our curriculum is underpinned by 5 golden threads: High aspirations for all, Fostering resilience, Embedding key skills, Respecting diversity and Creating global citizens- with the intent that all our children have the opportunity to grow and succeed as musicians.
At Asquith Primary School we recognise that music is an essential part of life, integral in the development of the whole person. We believe that the opportunity to engage in musical experiences is crucial for the development of the whole child. We believe through playing, singing, creating, composing and performing, children develop confidence, communication, thinking and creative skills and improve their emotional well-being. The skills involved in playing and listening to music will also help learners develop the self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation, creativity, and self-motivation necessary for success.
We aim to enable children to grow and succeed by:
Music is taught as a discrete subject in classes but also across the curriculum. Areas of learning, such as times tables in maths, vocabulary in languages and movement in dance all incorporate different elements of music. We use our performances, such as our Christmas plays and Nativities and end of year shows to show how important music is to our school.
The focus on ensuring that children grow to succeed is implemented by:
At Asquith Primary School we aim for children to leave our school with an increased interest in music and a desire to continue as a listener, performer and composer. Teachers plan interesting and varied lessons which are closely linked to our cross-curricular topics. Teachers build upon prior knowledge and skills learnt as identified in our music progression overview. Children have opportunities to perform in a variety of ways including at end of year concerts, in performances to parents. Our children grow in confidence and self-esteem during these performances and every child is included and valued. Music also develops an understanding of culture and history, both in relation to children individually, as well as ethnicities from across the world. Children can enjoy music in as many ways as they choose – either as listener, creator or performer. They can sing and copy a pulse. They have an understanding of how music can influence personal feelings and emotions.
Linked Texts:
Little People Big Dreams Prince by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vigara
Max Found Two Sticks by Brian Pinkney
Octopus's Garden by Ringo Starr and Ben Cort
Poppy and The Brass Band by Magali Le Huche
Places to Visit
Eureka, National Children's Museum, Halifax
Music lessons