Safeguarding our children is at the core of everything we do at Asquith Primary School.
Children know that there is a strong focus on keeping them safe, and that everyone plays a role in making sure this happens. We have appropriate polices that are embedded in practice. All staff have had Child Protection Training at least every three years. Our named Child Protection Officers update their training as required and meet regularly to discuss school context and on-going concerns. We have strong partnerships with a wide range of agencies and this supports the safeguarding work of the school.
The school fully recognises the contribution it can make in protecting children from harm as well as supporting and promoting the welfare of all children who are registered pupils at our school. The key elements of our policy are prevention, protection and support.
We aim:
The safeguarding lead in school is :- Mrs L Blackburn
Designated staff for Child Protection are:- Mrs T Southward, Mrs Callaghan, Ms J Haley and Mrs J Jeavons.
Designated governor for Child Protection is:- Ms Aisling Warr
Statutory guidance states that schools should have in place a number of arrangements as part of their duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
In our school these arrangements include:
Safeguarding our children is at the core of everything we do at Asquith Primary School.
Children know that there is a strong focus on keeping them safe, and that everyone plays a role in making sure this happens. We have appropriate polices that are embedded in practice. All staff have had Child Protection Training at least every three years. Our named Child Protection Officers update their training as required and meet regularly to discuss school context and on-going concerns. We have strong partnerships with a wide range of agencies and this supports the safeguarding work of the school.
The school fully recognises the contribution it can make in protecting children from harm as well as supporting and promoting the welfare of all children who are registered pupils at our school. The key elements of our policy are prevention, protection and support.
We aim:
The safeguarding lead in school is :- Mrs L Blackburn
Designated staff for Child Protection are:- Mrs T Southward, Mrs Callaghan, Ms J Haley and Mrs J Jeavons.
Designated governor for Child Protection is:- Ms Aisling Warr
Statutory guidance states that schools should have in place a number of arrangements as part of their duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
In our school these arrangements include: