Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Inclusion


We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum to all pupils. We have systems to identify when children have barriers affecting their learning and tailor specific interventions to enable pupils to overcome barriers. This practice personalising learning applies to all pupils across the learning spectrum including more academically able pupils.

You will find our SEND Policy and our Accessibility Plan in the Policies section of the website if you would like further information. CLICK HERE to access the Policies Page.


Our SENCO is Miss Squires

Miss Squires can be contacted on the SENDCO email address: senco@asquithprimary.org 


Our Pastoral and Welfare Manager is Mrs J Hill-Pearson

Our Learning Mentors are Mrs J Jeavons and Mrs R Johnson.

They can be contacted on the Inclusion Team emails address: inclusionteam@asquithprimary.org


We have developed our SEN Information Report to meet the needs of children with Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND) and it can be accessed through the following link:


SEND Information Report November 2023


Visit the link below for the Leeds local offer



Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Inclusion


We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum to all pupils. We have systems to identify when children have barriers affecting their learning and tailor specific interventions to enable pupils to overcome barriers. This practice personalising learning applies to all pupils across the learning spectrum including more academically able pupils.

You will find our SEND Policy and our Accessibility Plan in the Policies section of the website if you would like further information. CLICK HERE to access the Policies Page.


Our SENCO is Miss Squires

Miss Squires can be contacted on the SENDCO email address: senco@asquithprimary.org 


Our Pastoral and Welfare Manager is Mrs J Hill-Pearson

Our Learning Mentors are Mrs J Jeavons and Mrs R Johnson.

They can be contacted on the Inclusion Team emails address: inclusionteam@asquithprimary.org


We have developed our SEN Information Report to meet the needs of children with Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND) and it can be accessed through the following link:


SEND Information Report November 2023


Visit the link below for the Leeds local offer
