Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Inclusion
At Asquith Primary School, we aim to offer excellence and choice to all our children, regardless of ability or need. We have the highest expectations of all our children. We aim to achieve this through the removal of barriers to learning and participation. We want our children to feel that they are a valued part of our school community. We respect the fact that children:
Therefore we adapt the provision as necessary to ensure that individual needs are met. All children at Asquith Primary School, regardless of their need, receive Quality First Teaching. This means:
However we recognize that each child is unique and so, each child will receive different support, depending on their specific needs. The Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO) and class teacher will decide which strategies and resources are appropriate to support your child’s needs and discuss this with you. Where outside agencies are involved, they will provide advice about how best to support your child’s needs.
Our SENCO is Mrs L Mulvaney
Mrs Mulvaney can be contacted on the SENDCO email address: senco@asquithprimary.org
Our Pastoral Welfare Manager is Miss C Draffan and our Learning Mentor is Mrs J Jeavons.
They can be contacted on the Inclusion Team email address: inclusionteam@asquithprimary.org
Useful documents
You will find our SEND Policy and our Accessibility Plan in the Policies section of the website if you would like further information. CLICK HERE to access the Policies Page.
We have developed our SEN Information Report to meet the needs of children with Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND) and it can be accessed through the following link:
SEND Information Report October 2024
Useful Resources and links
· We encourage parents to familiarise themselves with the Leeds Local Offer. You can access the website by bellowing this link http://leedslocaloffer.org.uk
· SENDIASS is a A free, impartial and confidential advice service for parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities. https://sendiass.leeds.gov.uk/
· A recommended support forum for Parents and Carers Leeds Parent Carer Forum – The voice of parent carers in Leeds