Ofsted at Asquith Primary School



The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills is a non-ministerial department of His Majesty's government, reporting to Parliament. Ofsted is responsible for inspecting a range of educational institutions, including state schools and some independent schools, in England.


Please CLICK HERE to view our most recent inspection report.

If you would like to tell Ofsted about our school then you can do so by using Parent View - you can find the link HERE.


Ofsted at Asquith Primary School



The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills is a non-ministerial department of His Majesty's government, reporting to Parliament. Ofsted is responsible for inspecting a range of educational institutions, including state schools and some independent schools, in England.


Please CLICK HERE to view our most recent inspection report.

If you would like to tell Ofsted about our school then you can do so by using Parent View - you can find the link HERE.