Milk and Fruit
School milk is provided by “Cool Milk”. Children are registered for milk when they start school or Nursery and if is provided free of charge up until their 5th birthday.
If you wish for your child to have milk after they are 5, you will need to sign up for Cool Milk and pay for this. The cost is currently 28p per day which is approx. £18 per term.
Please note – any children entitled to benefits based free school meals are also entitled to free milk.
Children in EYFS and KS1 are provided free fruit or vegetables daily as a snack as part of the Government scheme.
Children in KS2 may bring some fruit, vegetables, cheese or plain/fruit bread for playtime.
Please not crisps and biscuits are not allowed.
Children are encouraged to bring a named water bottle into school on a daily basis. Fresh water is available in each classroom.
Milk and Fruit
School milk is provided by “Cool Milk”. Children are registered for milk when they start school or Nursery and if is provided free of charge up until their 5th birthday.
If you wish for your child to have milk after they are 5, you will need to sign up for Cool Milk and pay for this. The cost is currently 28p per day which is approx. £18 per term.
Please note – any children entitled to benefits based free school meals are also entitled to free milk.
Children in EYFS and KS1 are provided free fruit or vegetables daily as a snack as part of the Government scheme.
Children in KS2 may bring some fruit, vegetables, cheese or plain/fruit bread for playtime.
Please not crisps and biscuits are not allowed.
Children are encouraged to bring a named water bottle into school on a daily basis. Fresh water is available in each classroom.