Personal Development Offer




BEST Behaviour and Ferdi Values

Pastoral support (bereavement, anxiety, friendships, home concerns)

Emotions check in

SEMH interventions

Pupil voice - My Health, My School Survey, school council, pupil surveys

Student responsibilities, e.g. Anti-bullying Ambassadors, Reading Leaders, Playground Leaders, Eco-Council

Assemblies focussed on school values, British Values, world faiths and events

Focus weeks - Anti-bullying Week, Inter-faith Week, Online Safety Week

Adapted PSHE Curriculum

Circle times

Robust attendance monitoring

Extra-curricular activities – multi-skills club, football clubs, gymnastics club, Reading club, recorder clubs, school choir, maths clubs.







School Community


Safety assemblies – Police, DSL, outside agencies

Online/offline risks to well being

Morley Cluster Council and Pupil Forum

Active Travel – Pedestrian Training, Bikability

Parent workshops – phonics, RSE year 6 meeting, KS2 SATs meetings, online safety meetings, SEND parent coffee mornings

Stay and Share events for parents

Learning showcase events for each year-group

PSA events – Christmas Fair, Easter Bingo, Halloween Disco, Summer Fair

Regular Governor visits to school








Local Community


Local walks linked to the curriculum

Safer streets training

Leed’s Children’s Mayor applications

Visits to the local nursing home

Local history and local geography curriculum links

Sporting fixtures – ACE Sports and Leeds Well Schools

Cluster partnership work – times tables competition, Teddy Bear Picnics and

Subject leader, deputy head and head teacher partnership meetings

Links with St Peter’s church, visits, assemblies, donations

Remembrance service in Morley

Local residents – talks-history of the village

Visitors from other faiths – Islam, Sikhism

Food bank collection for Harvest

Local library visits

Library bus EYFS

Christmas and Summer Fayre – stalls for local businesses











Wider World


Celebrating differences and neurodiversity – Odd Sock Day

Fundraising – Red Nose Day, NSPCC Number Day, Denim for Dementia, Children in Need

Sustainability – How to protect the environment

Tree Planting/ Litter picking

Picture News – British Values/Protected Characteristics


Interfaith Week

Assemblies which focus on key world events, other cultures and world religions

Diversity and Global Citizenship as Golden Threads of our curriculum offer

‘Growing Talent’ Career days for Year 6





Staff Wellbeing


PPA from home each week

Managing the physical and emotional well-being of employees will be ...Subject leader release time

Promotion of the Employee assistance programme

Open door policy

Investment in CPD

Staff encouraged to complete NPQs

Staff work events

Weekly shout outs on staff briefings

Half termly thank you staffroom treats