Asquith EYFS Curriculum

Early Years Foundation Stage- The Asquith Way

'Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.'

Fred Rogers


At Asquith Primary we are very proud of our Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, giving children the oppurtunity to embed our 5 Curriculum Golden Threads through an engaging, child led pedagogy. In EYFS we belive young children learn best through play and following their own interests. With this in mind, we decide on a theme for each half term but this will often change direction based on the children's ideas and fascinations. Children in our EYFS learn by exploring and investigating our areas of provision in which resources and activities are set to challenge and extend learning and development. In addition to our engaging indoor and outdoor provision, children take part in daily focused activities in which they are directly taught skills and knowledge in reading, writing and mathematics. Our EYFS curriculum sets high aspirations for all and is designed to celebrate our differences, respect diversity and create global citizens of the world. Our characteristics of effective learning are embeded across the EYFS curriculum, teaching children to be an Explorosaurus, Tryasauraus or Thinkasaurus promoting them to foster reilience and embed key skills.   

Asquith EYFS Curriculum

We have high aspirations for our children at Asquith Primary School. Therefore, we aspire for children to have the following skills and knowledge at the end of their time at Nursery and Reception:

Nursery Asquith Aspirations

Reception Asquith Aspirations

Our Nursery Long Term Plan


Exploring butterflies and caterpillars


Lets get messy with some printing!


What do we do when the water tray had frozen over?

Our Reception Long Term Plan


Great fun making smooties and writing our recipie!


As visit from the owls


A performance with our shadow puppets

EYFS Trips, Visitors and Experiences 

Visit our gallery so see some of the events that have happened this year. 


Our Nursery Parent Plans 

Click below to find out more about what your child is learning this half term. 

Our Reception Parent Plans

Click below to find out more about what your child is learning this half term.